
Also on this page: Story Setting & Story Synopsis

Behind the Story

Most historians agree on the key elements of the American system -- the idea of the social contract, distribution of power among classes (voting), and individual fairness (equity) – all of which can be traced back.....

from the founding fathers ..... to Classical Greece .....
and finally to the Bronze Age Mediterranean, circa 1400 B.C.

And the most "American” element goes back even further, to ancient Indo-European philosophy –
regarding the sacred value of every individual life to the whole of society.

An Ancient Middle Class?

Where is the first evidence of a 'class movement' in ancient history?

Where does the American Dream actually begin?


The Late Bronze Age

Preceding the “Dorian Invasion” of Greece–which many scholars believe was not an invasion at all, but a Middle-Class movement from within:.....

To secure rights and a better life for the peasant and craftsman populations ruled by a rich, military upper–class at that time, the Myceneans. MORE

The beginning of this middle-class movement can be traced back years before to a philosopher-prince called Theseus -- of Indo-European ancestry -- and a group of comrades from Athens, thought to be organizing the first craft guilds and free-markets for peasant farmers in the Attica region of Greece -- hoping to expand this to all the kingdoms of the Greek Mainland -- against the wishes of the ruling class.

But this occurs at a time when the Island-Empire of Crete in the Mediterranean -- the dominant sea-power of the time -- was apparently considering conquest and expansion onto the Greek mainland, before it could unify and compete against them in the Asian trade.

Legends suggest as a first step, a series of taxes were placed on the kingdoms of the Greek Mainland.

It is believed Theseus and his friends were sent to the capital city of Knossos, Crete -- as tax payments to perform in the dangerous Cretan gladiator sport, the Bulldance -- presumably never to be heard from again.
Admin.-Complex at Knossos, Capitol of Crete

However, the young group not only survives -- but by making alliances with the athletes already there, and craftsman-trade factions within the Cretan government -- they are able to upset the Cretan plans for conquest, and return to Greece to start a democratic tradition at Athens.

Clearly, this would have been a major, high-risk political undertaking --
'...Young people making choices about the world they live in...'

and this is where all the central ideas and concepts of the story come into play
-- See Themes


Later, beyond our story -- the ruling Myceneans were in fact driven out of power on the Greek Mainland. And though the country reverted to a "dark age" of regional conflict and strife soon after -- some elements of the democratic form survived in Athens until its full rejuvenation in the Classical, or Golden Age.....800 years later.

The Saga Unfolds...

The story begins
with a young philosopher called Theseus
, and five comrades from Athens -- with the vision of a working-class society for barbaric, mainland Greece -- which is still divided into many small kingdoms -- often at war -- and a rich military class ruling over large peasant populations.
But the group is sent to the capitol city of Knossos, Crete -- as tax payments to perform in the famous Cretan gladiator sport, the Bulldance. And here the struggle begins not only to survive as a team in the dangerous sport;

The Bulldance
but also to find some way to stop the Cretan plans for conquest of Greece. Either by getting support from the indentured athletes already sent there by their homelands -- or from some political faction on Crete itself.

The Indentured Athletes - "The Bulldancers"

The "Free-Thinkers"
But this is no small challenge; because the athletes have no reason for patriotic loyalty to the class-system of the Mainland, quite the contrary -- as pointed out by their charismatic, anti-political leader, Maicedonia [Maice] and his immediate circle of friends, the "free-thinkers".

And the political mood of the Cretan government has definitely shifted toward militarization and conquest of the Greek Mainland, before it can threaten the Islands of Crete -- as led by the powerful senator Rhadamanthos, who makes a convincing argument for Nationalist survival; and social order over social freedom.
But key romantic alliances develop between Theseus and Ariadne, daughter of the aging Emperor Minos,of Crete, -- who is in touch with a small
Theseus & Ariadne
but persistent peace/trade faction within the Cretan government. And also between Maicedonia and Sinjah -- (a lonely young outcast from the Omazons) -- who joins the Athenians in the team-method of the Bulldance-- and later, their political cause as well.
The fast-moving story reaches a peak when Rhadamanthos and the Expansionists obtain enough votes for conquest of Greece, and the Emperor's throne-- as Minos makes a final offer of help to Theseus and the Athenians before his death.
And in an ironic twist, Maicedonia is killed while saving the life of Theseus in the last stadium event before the planned revolution-- whereby the Athenians finally strike an alliance between all of the Bulldancers -- and militia forces opposing Rhadamanthos in the city of Knossos.
And in the final scene , an earthquake [historically documented] -- could play a role in the story's dramatic conclusion.....
Maice & Sinjah

Minos, with the
Taurean Crown

Story Scenes
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