
Scene 9- Winds of Rebellion -- 3 mins.

Scene Summary :

Before the upcoming Imperial Banquet, Ariadne reveals to Theseus that

Rhadmanthos is on the verge of majority power in the Council, and the

Emperorship -- but Theseus believes he can contact members of an

underground resistance at the banquet itself -- especially when Ariadne

describes their motivations to bring back "the days before Empire," very

similar to the social vision described in "The Lost Days."


Setting :  In front of main curtain -- "Tone" Description: ("facing crisis") Ariadne

looks anxious, worried -- looking off- stage -- Theseus enters from stage right,

quickly -- excited-looking. Within scene, Ariadne tends to pace—Theseus

keeps to center – more ‘the listener’ -- Ariadne, more the nervous thinker…


Theseus: (urgent whisper) Little Priestess -- ?

Ariadne: (turning, worried relief) Theseus -- I wasn't sure you'd get here -- there's been a double-guard in the palace all week --

Theseus: Then tell them they need more --[ move to spin-embrace ]

Ariadne: Oh, Theseus -- everything we hoped for -- I don’t have good news --

Theseus: But I do have good news --  Invitation to the Council Banquet -- what we've been waiting for – [gives scroll to her---almost like handing a paycheck ]

Ariadne: (grabs scroll and looks at seal) Does it say who it's from?

Theseus: No -- but it must be your father’s friends -- The vote on trade for Greece -- That's why they invited --


Ariadne: [ distraught) Oh Theseus -- that's not who it's from -- half my father's friends are bankrupt -- they’re losing their Senate seats --They risked every

thing in the grain shipment to Troy -- but the fleet went down in the North Sea--

Theseus: (incredulous) What -? . . . How?

Ariadne: They think Rhadamanthos is behind it -- Now he has a majority -- to vote for conquest -- that's who it’s from -- they’ll either try to Recruit you ...or Condemn you -- but they’ll go ahead with their plans ...

Theseus: But they need 40 votes to declare war - and the throne - they don't have                     that yet--

Ariadne: It's only a matter of time -- most of the country wants Rhadamanthos --

(bitterly) He's going to be Emperor by the end of the year -- -

Theseus: But --will everyone accept him -- ?

Ariadne: No, and that's even worse -- there's a rumor -- about a resistance --

Theseus: Resistance -- where would it come from?

Ariadne: Not the port cities -- ... only ..... the Santoristo -- the middle valley -- but    they wouldn't have a chance --

Theseus: How do you know? What would they try to do? --

Ariadne:  [guessing) They’d  have to take the capitol -- here --   Knossos --

that's where the treasury is . . .but they never could . . .

Theseus: ( insisting) How many men could they raise -- ?

Ariadne: Only the Militia -- But even a full army wouldn't be enough -- That's why the walls are built so high --

Theseus: (turning to her) But if they had help . . . from the inside --

Ariadne: What do you mean --

Theseus: A small force to fight through -- open the gates -- The Bulldancers -- with a diversion, and surprise -- it’s not impossible --

Ariadne:  fearful) Oh Theseus you can't think like this -- there's too many risks --

Theseus: Too many risks if they fail -- Tell me this -- would they be at the Banquet

tonight ? -- Who would I look for?

Ariadne: We can’t be sure -- you couldn't approach any one directly --

Theseus: But maybe indirectly -- just tell me this: How do they feel about things -- What do they want for the future?


Ariadne: (starting to focus- slowing down ] The future? I don't really think they'd be\ doing it for the future -- if anything . . . they'd be doing it for the past --

Theseus: (intense, but perplexed here) The past?

Ariadne: Well the Santoristo - it’s the oldest part of the island -- they prefer the old ways-- the days before “Empire” . . .

Theseus: Before Empire? . . .

Ariadne: Well, everything was simpler then . . . wealth depended on, what you made....... what you built or what you grew -- What you did . . . to make life better

for everyone else -- There’s a word from the early scrolls --  “ Ah-rah-vod-wa “--

Theseus: Ah-rah -vod-wa ?

Ariadne: It means... harmony -- .... [gesture] .."connected" -- -- but later on -- the word disappears -- .... (searching) ...Now ...people don't understand -- “the Economy” -- how it's supposed to work --

Theseus: Only a few people do -- those at the top --

Ariadne: (affirming) Yes . . . that's why it's different now -- everything is status --

gold deposits -- foreign “influence” -- . . . now -- knowing the law is better than -- “following it” -- . .

and people who make weapons are richer than farmers or craftsmen --

(passionate ) And now they say we have to go to war to keep our wealth -??----

--- In order to Grow -- We have to destroy -- And it doesn’t make any sense

-- (reaching a peak) and that's why the rebels would fight -- to get their

country back -- what they understand ! --

Theseus: (absorbing, paraphrasing) ...A simpler time . . . when it seemed like everyone had --something of value” to give -- And the world would be richer because of it -- ?

Ariadne: Yes . . that’s what we had faith in ... that's what we've lost --

Theseus: Then I understand -- I know what they want --(Toll of Bell } I have to go --

Ariadne: Oh Theseus -- If only I could go with you --

Theseus: { kiss on her forehead } Wish me luck -- (turns to go)

Ariadne: (calling after) I wish you more than luck, Theseus -- I wish you life -- Be

careful, Theseus -- Be careful ..... (exit to down-stage darkness-- out of sight )


( Lights down --- then curtain now opening on The Banquet-- Lights Up )

‘Imperator’ theme -- background  music -- Mandolin, Harpsichord