
Scene 6 --- Gift of the Goddess 8 mins

Scene Summary :

A huge statue of Goddess in the background, dark lighting, misty

fog. In spite of Ajax's warning, Theseus responds to a message of

help for his country from a disguised Princess Ariadne, but

becomes suspicious when the girl offers the gift of belief in himself, obtainable by confessing all his hopes for his people to

the Mother Goddess.

When he realizes her sincerity too late, the girl runs off, but

Theseus sings for her return in the song: "NOW"


Setting Ajax and Theseus -- mid-conversation-- in front of curtains -- urgency

INTERLUDE 1  Theseus and Ajax --  [ 1 min. ]


Theseus: The message had the temple seal -- it talked about help for the country--

Ajax: But Theseus -- what would the reward be for trapping a foreign prince into . . .conspiracy --??

Theseus: My father said there were factions here -- they wanted trade before --                                      maybe it’s a chance - to get the tax lifted --

Ajax: But for how long? They see the Mainland as a threat -- they’re thinking

conquest - Look at their provinces in the west --mining camps--labor farms--

Theseus: Well then, we come to the bigger question -- to be secure -- We’d have to unify the whole mainland -- all of Greece --

Ajax: I agree -- but it’s never gonna happen unless you make it back alive --

everything depends on that --

Theseus: Me? You think the whole thing could depend on one person?

Ajax: No doubt in my mind -- The whole future depends on You --

Theseus: Ajax -- (hesitating) What if I told you that . . . all I really have is just . …..a basic idea -- what a country can be --? That’s all -- just the idea?

Ajax: Well -- then I’d say the idea’s enough -----”Everybody gets a place-”

Theseus : ‘Everybody gets a’ ..huh .. that’s not bad …

Ajax : Works for me,  Theseus --- [ ironic ]

Theseus: But what if it meant war with the nobles at home -- then this empire -- or another ? And if we lose at any step-- What’s the guarantee that all those

people, don’t end up worse off--- than they were before ?--

Ajax: (pause) Can’t answer that, Theseus -- All I know is . . . whatever you decide -- I’ll follow YOU --

Theseus: (still doubtful) . . . But why Ajax -- Why do you say that? --


Ajax: Well, because I know with you -- I’d feel like I was really doing something -

           Like -- like . . . I was really ..there --

Theseus : There --?

 Ajax : (turning) That sound crazy, Theseus? --

Theseus: Well--not really, Ajax-- seems like you’ll always be ..’there’ [both laugh]

Ajax: Then let me go with you --

Theseus: No, Ajax -- if anything goes wrong --We need you with the others -- to   train the new ones --- like we said---

Ajax: (poignant) ‘Like we said’ --haha . . . See you at kurfew, Theseus --

Theseus: Kurfew --{ both point to each other }


(Lights change -- Ajax gone - CURTAINS OPEN - eerie lights --Theseus in darkness --‘ Labyrinth’ music -- 30 seconds -- vague outlines-- scary shadows]


THEN : lights up on Temple scene)

(Setting: The Temple of the Goddess -- dark lighting -- misty fog -- huge statue of

Goddess backstage -- eyes glowing softly -- Ariadne appears in the light in front of Statue-- robe and hood disguise ]



INTERLUDE 2  Ariadne and Theseus ---  [6 mins. ]

Ariadne: Theseus -- Theseus of Athens? [ appears near statue ]

Theseus: [ in foreground]  Who’s there ? [turning]

Ariadne: I am a servant of the Temple -- sent by those who care -- Do you come in good faith -- ?

Theseus: I come with respect --[wary] .. for the Great Mother, who sees all things

Ariadne: The eyes of the Goddess are the eyes of age -- . . . In the times of weakness and fear--  All men call to HER -- Twilight and Dawn -- Birth and Death -- ---- But in between ..... they forget . . .

Theseus: [ eyes adjusting ] Maybe so---

Ariadne: They say the goddess chose this land for the heart of its people---

and if ever she left ..... so it would sink, into the ocean.....

Theseus: You speak . . . more like a priestess than a serving girl --

Ariadne: All of us are servants in the Temple --

Theseus: And did you write the message ??-

Ariadne: The message comes from those who care -- those who would help -- but there are things to be known -- Symbols from your past --

Theseus: From my past?

Ariadne: There is a grove of Myrtle -- and the symbol of a white horse --

Theseus: [suspicious] I was born at the Myrtle Grove in Troizen -- my mother was a priestess there --

Ariadne: (hopeful) Your mother was a priestess of the Temple?

Theseus: But I wasn’t raised there . . . and there’s a white horse, on the shield of Athens--I need to know the reason for these questions -what kind of help - and why --

Ariadne: The land of Crete is a land of two peoples -- There may be help later -- But you need something now -- a gift -- from the Goddess --

Theseus: A gift? ....... and ......what would I give in return?

Ariadne: The gift is only knowledge -- assurance -- that “great” things can be done, even when you feel great weakness and fear -- inside --

Theseus: { covering }  Assurance ? ... and .. uh ........ what would something like that ... have to do with ……..someone like me?    [ typical male ]

Ariadne: Everything ! --Because you want great things for your people -- but you

don’t think you’re wise enough -- nor strong enough -- to do them --

Theseus: [quite put off ] And just how do You -- [relenting] . . how does one receive this gift ?-

Ariadne: Only by confessing, to the Goddess -- If a man will admit he’s a child in her eyes -- only then can he find his true strength --

Theseus: Just by “confessing” --

Ariadne: Yes -- all your fears, and all your hopes --

Theseus: So--If I hoped my people were free of this tax -- free of this Empire --

 I would just, “confess” that --

Ariadne: Yes -- and she would understand -- the Goddess is against the Bulldance

Theseus: Against it? And if I had friends, people to help -- would I pray for them too?

Ariadne: Oh yes- and she would help - She would reach out -[stretches out hand }

Theseus: [conclusive now] Oh I’m sure she would just reach out { accusing }, if she knew where to look -- [turns to her] ....little priestess ‘--

Ariadne: What?

[ pace now picking up ]

Theseus: And how many others are here tonight, as witnesses? (looking around)

Ariadne: Witnesses? What are you talking about?

Theseus: You want some kind of confession -- of Treason? How much is the   reward?

Ariadne: Reward - there’s no reward - there’s no one here -- No one knows I came -


Theseus: Oh Nobody knows? You said you were sent! Did you lie about that?

(steps forward)

Ariadne: I didn’t lie -- . . . The Goddess sent me -- (backs up)

Theseus: I came here because I trusted that message --

Ariadne: .... I Know !!... [urgently]

Theseus: Then why can’t you tell me who you are?

Ariadne: [looks for a way out]  Because . .. Because I can’t! Stay away --

Theseus: How do you know these THINGS about me? [ advancing again ]

Ariadne: I saw it in your eyes --  the Goddess showed me!  I thought you were the stranger --the one in the Dream --

[looks to stairs, but Theseus turns]

Theseus: Dream – what dream ? -- what stranger?!!

Ariadne:  Someone who cares -- for the future -- But you don’t! Only yourself --

Theseus: The future -- what future ?

Ariadne: For everyone !!!-- But it’s too late !!!--

[now he moves upstage -- Ariadne goes to stairs]

Theseus: Everyone??  Wait a minute ! .-- maybe [ breath]... maybe I was wrong -


Ariadne: It’s too late! -[ up stairs now] and I’m not a liar ! - there’s no one here --

Theseus: Wait -- !

Ariadne: (turns back) Go ahead and look! ( throws down medallion --clang! )


[this medallion could be seen on Theseus’ chest in Scene1 -- white horse on blue --- but has apparently come into Ariadne’s possession at this point]

Theseus: Wait -- little priestess  -- Wait . . . I’m sorry --


(Theseus now sees medallion on floor -- stares at it-- looks up--- footsteps echoing]

Theseus: I’m .... [ feeling guilty]   .. ...I’m sorry, little priestess . . . I thought of… my own danger . . but I never thought of… yours . . . whoever you are .... 

Maybe... [ moves now]   Maybe you’re ... someone like me --

you can’t believe in the things around you -- so you’re just ... reaching out ....


[the eyes of the huge Goddess Statue change color here -- glowing brighter]


and maybe you can’t help us -- but . . what you tried to give me . .Maybe

....maybe it was worth more.. . . . in an empty place ...

(softer, resigned:) Someone...... someone to ...Understand -- .....Here. ...

..... Here and .... NOW ..... [lights change]


Song: “Now”  -- Track 7 – CD

Ironically, Theseus sings out toward audience -- his back to ‘The Goddess’ -- the huge, glowing eyes looking down on his seemingly small, vulnerable figure----

Ariadne returns only at the end of the song- at the top of the staircase –still in the hooded cloak – descending during the ending fanfare – Theseus turns – the cloak drops away – revealing The Princess –

The two walk, marriage-like, to center – right hands extended  --- as the music peaks and LIGHTS OUT – eyes of ‘the Goddess still ‘ glowing in the dark…..