
Scene 17- The Battle 8 mins.

Scene Summary :

An injured Theseus awakens to a grim update from from his comrades who

are now locked in the Bullcourt by Rhadamanthos on the eve of his

coronation -- apparently fully aware of their plans -- as the rebels launch a

hopeless attack on the city – with no one to open the gates.

       The Athenians and FreeThinkers lead all of the Bull-dancers in a final chorus  [SONG: One Way Home]  before the palace army inevitably arrives in what will be a hopeless last stand.

Theseus' final, desperate prayer is interrupted by a massive earthquake --

opening the huge, stone 'curfew' doors -- as the Bull-dancers escape. The

curtain closes,[while ‘Earthquake Overture’ plays ---  then reopens on the coronation chamber and a final sword confrontation between Theseus and Rhadamanthos.


Setting :  Dark Stage -- painful moaning  can be heard in the darkness -- dim cone of light over Theseus on stretcher, center stage -- friends gathered:


Deirdre: We’re sorry, Theseus -- we have to change the bandage --

Theseus: What . . . (breathless) . . . What day is it?

Archime: Two days after the Bulldance, Theseus -- It was fixed, just like we thought --

Ajax: We’ve gotten word over the pipes -- Five Senators -- bankrupt --

Cassie: They’re holding an emergency council meeting -- after the murder of Minos -

Theseus: But -- Minos wasn’t murdered!

Sam: But that’s what they’re saying --

Cassie: Must’ve had a spy in the Emperor’s guard --

Archime: Doesn’t matter, Theseus -- He has the 40 votes -- he’s to be sworn in today -

Deirdre: He’s to marry the princess --

Theseus: The Princess ? What about the Rebels?

Archimedes: They couldn’t wait --

Ajax: We’ve been getting reports over the pipes all day -- There’s a large force

coming up from the middle valley -- headed for the city --

Theseus: Then somebody’s got to open the gates -- (trying to rise up)

Ajax: (holds gently) Can’t, Theseus -- We’re locked in -- they must’ve known

we’re involved -- from their spies -- All the doors are sealed --


Cassie: The whole garrison’s up on the walls -- waiting for the rebels --

Theseus: But with no one to open the gates -- they won’t have a chance -- they’ll be

slaughtered . . . (friends heads go down) -- and then they’ll come for us --

.........looking for conspirators --


( friends attitude -- have already accepted situation-- but sympathetic to Theseus )

Ajax: They said they’re gonna hold public trials --

Cassie: Promising a lifetime of gold to anyone who testifies -- against the rest --

Sam: Trying to split us up --

Perius: But it won’t work --

Tarku: .... Because it’s not enough --

Theseus: Not enough?

Boca: Because we’re worth more than that --

Slade: More than gold --

Reeba: All of us --

Perius: Right down to the last one --

Theseus: (ominous) The last one -- ??

Boca: And that’s what they’ll have to remember --

Slade: From here …. all the way to the Mainland ---

Perius: Only one regret, Theseus -- I would’ve liked to see your city --

(Maice’s friends now proceed to backstage darkness)

Cassie: We gave out all the copper weapons, Theseus --

Sam: The ones in the catacombs --

Ajax: And we can jam the doors when they come, Theseus -- to slow them down -- So it’ll cost them, Theseus -- Cost them alot---

(Ajax now withdraws after hand to shoulder)

(now audience can hear banging of the chisel bar -- against the door]


Archimedes: Progress on the main door, Theseus --

Theseus: The Main door?

Archime: We‘ve chiseled out 3” so far -- since morning --

Theseus: (still in shock) 3”? . . . Out of how much?

Archimedes: About 36 -- But Ajax has a theory -- Sometimes you hit a place in the stone --where all the different veins come together -- and everything shatters --

everything falls apart ....... Do you think he could be right for once ?

Theseus: (devastated, very poignant) Yes . . . Yes, I think he could be .....

Archime: Ha --I knew you’d say that ...uh ... don’t ever change, Theseus....[ironic]


[ DEEP LOW CHORDS can now be heard for upcoming SONG [

Cassie: Theseus, Deirdre made up a final prayer for everybody ..... for the battle

......whenever you’re ready --


(Now the lights change -- Theseus slumps to kneel, head resting on one knee -- lights off of Theseus but now they come up behind him -- Misty Blue-ish glow on all dancers 40-50 -- arranged like “tabernacle choir”on platform steps leading

to the large Stone ‘Kurfew Door’ at center top.

Deirdre clearly visible at lower front-- like ‘choir-director’ -- back to audience ---

strikes pose --raises hands dramatically with the Indo-European phrase:

“ MANNA-BAE ....E-tu … NEDT-ZEA .. [then translated]: .. “ JOIN HANDS” ....

ALL Dancers join hands-- as MUSIC CHORDS rise -- but Deirdre stops -- turns to audience - and repeats request with a wide, inclusive gesture -- “ Manna-bae.. etu.. Nedzea”

then turns back as “CHOIR” begins the climbing chant- lyrics to peak of SONG –

SONG : One Way Home - Track 17 – CD

At the end of the Song --- all come to stop as lights shift to Theseus at centerstage :

Low Music Chords only—supported by chorus with hum only :

[ background now changes]


Theseus: [ slumps to one knee -- low voice :]  To You who watch … from your great distances... from your faraway reaches ---

this is what you hoped for … This is what you’re looking for .. Only See Them !


.... Please . . . do not let them die like this -- like animals … in a cage--

my brothers and sisters !! -- (shiver, glance behind]


...... Whatever I am -- it was never enough .....

But -- Show them a way -- Give them a chance --

(desperate whisper) ..... Show them a way -- .....PLEASE ..

[pause-- then hoarse, final-- hands out, horizontal]

..... SHOW THEM A WAY !!!

( looks up, then down -- hands slowly drop -- Resignation --Silence - 2 SECS --THEN --



(Theseus knocked flat as dancers are seemingly  hurled from steps -- 2-3 more Big Sound Effects - Pillars Fall -- ‘Kurfew Doors’ lean in -- totter - Screams)

SONG : Tremors - Track 18 – CD Cont’d thru dialogue

(after 1st crash)

Ajax: Earthquake --!!!

Archimedes: It’s under the city --!!

(then 2nd & 3rd crash -- screams)

Cassie: The door’s cracked --

Sam: It’s coming down!

(Dancers getting up -- Theseus also -- Door totters and fall -- orchestral MUSIC

continues here -- Rumbling continues -- blaring shining light  from behind doors)


Deirdre: It’s open! It’s open --

Ajax: Get your weapons --

Theseus: Through the door -- head for the upper hall --

Ajax: (next to door, waving on) Come on -- Come on --

Cassie/Sam: NOW -- NOW -- Go! Go! --

Theseus: Head for the South gate! South gate -- Through the Royal Wing --

Reeba: Don’t stop for anything --!!

Perius: Don’t stop for anything !!! ... Come on – Come on –Come on

(Lights fading -- Music and Rumble come up -- Stage goes Black -- Curtains closing --Dancers get ready to re-enter from front-- Sound effects of battle -- cheering, etc.


Set change must occur in approximately 30 seconds -- Convert to Coronation room --

Curtains now re-open ---Then lights up on Rhadamanthos at Coronation, center stage --Ariadne next to Priests and Guards -- Golden Taurus Crown being put on

Rhadamanthos -- he stands up and turns --

Now bulldancers heard entering from wings entrance)


Guard: Force approaching, Consul --

Rhadaman: Call every guard in the wing! --- Send to the walls -- Cut them off --


(Dancers now on or entering stage, from each side – but encountering guards )

Ajax: Take the perimeter --

Cassie: Drive ‘em back --

Sam: Set ‘em back --

Rhad: Guards -- Seal off the exit -- Send to the walls --

Theseus: Keep the perimeter -- Open the South exit --

(Dancer/Guard confrontation happens on each side of Stage -- mostly out of view)

(Rhadamanthos now taking off helmet -- to use as shield -also has ceremonial axe )

(Music shifts to lower-subdued-version -- Low pads of melody --string accents)


Rhadama: Well, Theseus -- we meet again -- Have you come to help us celebrate --

                 to raise your voice in song .... once more?

Theseus: It seems I’m too late Consul -- (points to helmet --Taurean) “ The man becomes a Beast  who would raise his voice above all the others....”

(both squaring off now)

Rhad: Only the Pretender is afraid to speak, Theseus -- to see the world as it really is-- my voice will never be silent --

Theseus: Then you will never hear the Truth --!!

Rhadama: (moving in with attack) ... Ha .. and you shall hear it soon --

(Two or three blows traded)

Rhadaman: You shouldn’t have stolen copper weapons, Theseus -- [2 blows axe]

Theseus: Why not?! (clang --)

Rhadaman: You’ll never build a world -- on Copper -- (knocks sword from Theseus]

Theseus: And you’ll never build one on Gold! (Kicks golden helmet- shield away

from Rhad )

Rhadaman: (re-attack; clang) You’ll never get the world you wish for, Theseus --

(clang) But I’ll  give you something else -- (clang)

Theseus:  Ajax !!  [losing ground-- only has copper shield] .. AJAX!! (clang)

(Ajax now in view on right, engaged in sword fight)

Ajax: Theseus --?!

Rhadamanthos: (clang) I give you the world as it really -- (clang)

Theseus: AJAX !

Rhadaman: As it really -- (clang--Theseus loses shield -- Rhad up on step)

Theseus: Ajax!

Rhadamanthos:(raising axe high over Theseus slumping on floor, clutching ribs )


(Now Ajax fends off soldier -- grabs sword and throws it into Rhadamanthos)

Ajax: “THESEUS!”

Rhadamanthos:  AS IT REALLY --[sword hits]-- A-AH -- (cough)

As it really . . . (backs up to window ledge)  -- I-- I-- I-- SS-- !! (falls out of view)


(Ariadne runs in from side now to hug Theseus, slumping)

Ariadne: Theseus!

Theseus: Princess!

Ajax: (running over) I was there, Theseus -- I was really [both say it] THERE !! -- [high-5]

Archimedes: Exit is open, Theseus --

Cassie: They’re retreating --

Ajax: Abandoning the whole wing --

Theseus: Head for the South gate- go with the Rebels --Don’t stop for anything! --

(Dancers all converging from perimeter, rushing off stage left -- waving them on --)

Perius: It’s all open -- it’s all open --

Reeba: Don’t stop for anything --!! [ echoing by others]

(Lights out before stage is empty -- Music reaches crescendo in darkness, then fades)