
Scene 14- The Ancient Door 7 mins.


Scene Summary :

Ailing and weary, Emperor Minos warns Theseus that even if the Rebels

win -- the pendulum will always swing back between the two great forces

of the world -- and also reveals a "final plan," a final gesture to help the

revolution [his own funeral] in his personal/exit song: "The King with No


Scene opens with Theseus and Ariadne in front of

curtain, mid-conversation -- urgent :


Ariadne: They sent him servants from Iberia -- last year -- that’s when the illness

started -- [may have been crying just before this]

Theseus: Iberia -- then that’s Rhadamanthos ...

Ariadne: The creeping disease -- that’s where it comes from --

Theseus: Something to work slow ... so he wouldn’t appear in public --

Ariadne: My father said he had a plan - a final plan - but I think he’s dying, Theseus -- I think my father is dying !! ... [starting to lose it]

Theseus: No, there’s still time [embracing, but sobbing Ariadne breaks away, exits]

..... We’ve still got time !.... [ calling after her ]  …we’ve still got time !!


[ Huge shimmering GONG now as curtain opens on the ‘Chamber of the King’--dark blue lighting, misty fog -- Minos visible on raised platform wearing Taurean Crown --almost looks like ‘the Minotaur’ ? -- torches and ‘sentinel guard’ on each side ]

[ deep, echoing voice ] :


Minos: Return for these orders -- when the moon is past its peak . . .

(guards, hands to chest -- then exiting with the scroll-orders in hand)

Theseus: (hand to chest) . . . “Imperatori” --

Minos: You may approach, Theseus -- The mask you see is not meant to intimidate

-- but the creeping disease . . . can be far less forgiving -- A gift, shall we

say -- from the opposition --

Theseus: Your daughter told me --

Minos: The enemy controls the port cities and all of the west -- in the great game

unfolding --

Theseus: Yes, sire -- and yet all of it could have been avoided - all of it - if not for

one man --

Minos: No, Theseus -- no leader leads by his own will -- but only by capturing what people already feel -- already want –and what they want ….. is More -

Theseus: More?

Minos: Yes, more than each other, more than other countries ----more than the last generation -- Simply More -- and the fear of having less – there are forces at work here --

Theseus: Forces? Yes, forces of greed, jealousy, pride, cruelty, arrogance -- All the

forces of evil --

Minos: (over-ruling) NO, Theseus-- there are but TWO forces in this world --

only two -- The one fueled by hope and the other by fear --

So you think of them as good and evil -- virtue and greed -- Yet both are real --

both will always be -- . . . ‘Ero and Logo’ ..... “Give” and “Take” --

Theseus: (off-balance) Give and take? --

Minos: For every person can Give -- But every person MUST Take-- so to live --

there is compassion, and love -- but the NEED to SURVIVE -- Two forces, Theseus -- and the key to the Ancient Door --It is the balance between them --


Theseus: The Ancient Door?…… Then it’s up to every person --every country--to

seek out that balance -- whatever it takes --

Minos: Yes, Theseus -- but balance -- Real Balance-- we can only see it . . .

behind us -- Only in a memory ...... [voice ehoing even more now]

-- Only on the Pendulum where Give and Take equal happiness, only

there...... But there is no formula -- none that we can hold -- For the key to

the Ancient Door ---- Does not Lie in This World --


Theseus: (subdued now, pause -- unarguable) Your daughter spoke of a plan, sire -- A final plan -- for the revolution --

(music starts here – French Horns – “The King with No Kingdom”)

Minos: All in good time, Theseus----

: I was like you once, -- You see the world -- through a young man’s eyes --

(stands up) So you must listen to me -- (Theseus to one knee-- stage left)


Song: “The King with No Kingdom” Track 14 – CD

See lyrics –some spoken parts between -- within the song, Minos will reveal the huge Cretan ‘pendulum’axe – and ask for Theseus’ help in creating a final ‘diversion’ to aid the revolution –

what he hopes to offer is his own funeral….