
SCENE 12 -- Dark Meetings 2 mins.

Scene Summary

In a dark hallway of the catacombs, Theseus and the Athenians quickly

plan a secret meeting of the "team dancers" to support the Rebel attack on

the city of Knossos -- by opening the city gates from the inside.

Setting Spotlight in front of curtain- dark everywhere else -- “Midconversation”

opening: quick, urgent –[ ATHENIANS’ Music]

Archimedes: She’s still in the house of healing -- It’s her leg again --

Cassie: But she gets out tomorrow --

Sam: And she’ll be with us --

Deirdre: We’re sure --

Theseus: Alright -- the Rebels have the Militia -- but everything depends on the

diversion . . . and surprise -- They pick the day and the time --

Archimedes: It has to be before Kurfew --

Theseus: They need us to open the city gates -- But we’d have to beat the palace

               guards -- What about weapons?

Archimedes: Copper, Theseus -- from the old storerooms --

Deirdre: We can hide ‘em in the Supper Hall -- but they’re Copper --

Ajax: They’ll be good enough -- with all the team dancers, we’ve got over  a hundred fighters --

Theseus: Palace guard is 300 --

Ajax: (quickly) But we won’t run into all of them --

Theseus: Maybe not . . but our chances would be better -- maybe double if ...

[ takes a breath ] if we had Maice and the others --

Ajax: There’s no-o WAY !!

Archimedes: They’d never support us, Theseus --

Ajax: We couldn’t trust him!

Cassie: Maybe there’s a chance --

Ajax: What chance!?

Sam: Well, because we think Sinjah . . . and Maice --

Cassie: We just think------

Ajax: Yes ???

Deirdre: We think . . . maybe . . maybe ….. they’re in love --

Ajax: What !? You’re – you’re crazy! (pacing now)

Sam: That’s why she always stays so late in the far practice court --

Deirdre: She’s waiting for him!

Ajax: (pointing) I don’t believe it -- I’ve never seen them together --

Archimed: (analyzing) Omazon custom -- never show affection in public --

Cassie: And we think he’s been helping her -- how to train the vaulters --

Archimed: That would explain how she does it so fast --

Cassie: Remember how nervous she was at first --

Deirdre: But she settled down after -- I wonder if --

Ajax: I’m telling you I’m against this!

Cassie: We think there’s a chance --

Deirdre: Maybe -- if Sinjah asked him -- (looks at Archimedes)

Archimedes: Maybe --[Deirdre nudges him]  Could be a ... possibility --

Ajax:  Possibility!! [incredulous] -- No way on earth!

Theseus: Alright .[ to Ajax ] . . we leave it at maybe, for now --

Cassie: Theseus, we called a meeting of the team leaders -- tonight --

Sam: Down in the catacombs --

Deirdre: Just the team leaders --

Theseus: After I see the princess -- I’ll be there --

Archimedes: Theseus -- we know the plan is high risk --

Deirdre: What do you think we should tell them --

Cassie: About the future?

Theseus: (pause)  The future ? ..We tell them that the Future is Now! ..”Athens”---

[All point to each other as exiting opposite sides -- lights go down]

Others: ATHENS ---!!