


Scene I of Act 1 begins : [Act 1 is 60-65 mins Total ]

Act 1 60 mins. Total

Scene 1 – “Athens”  --- 7 mins.

Scene Summary :

In the throne room at Athens, Theseus and his father, King Aegius, argue

over the Cretan tax, leading to deeper issues of Theseus' painful childhood, the

social vision of the Lost Days, and the future of Athens. Father and son 'split'

is evident. Lights go down. Theseus sings ‘Memory’--- recalling a time when

the social vision of the Lost Days seemed like a real possibility at Athens.

Setting : The torch-lit Throne Room in Athens

 Characters: Theseus and King Aegius

Actor’s Note: Theseus stays relatively still, lieutenant-like, near center. But

Aegius moves and paces : i.e. Aegius- ‘the salesman’ &  Theseus-‘the customer’


Theseus : But you said they wanted trade before -- even the Emperor --

Aegius: The Emperor doesn’t rule by himself -- he merely presides over a council -

Theseus: Council?

Aegius: Senators -- they pay in gold every year for a voice in the government -- [lower].... rather ingenious, actually --

Theseus: Then they’re doing it for a reason -- to make us look bad -- that’s why we have to protest --

Aegius: Do you think I’m going to take a gamble like that? -- Everything depends on stability right now --

Theseus: You said everything depended on trust --

Aegius: What do you mean trust?

Theseus: Trust -- in the system -- Trust that if you give something here -- then you get something --a social contract --

Aegius: That has nothing to do with this tax and you know it, Theseus --

Theseus: Yes it does -- If we pay it, we look like all the other kingdoms -- this could be a turning point !

Aegius: Oh, everything's a turning point with you -- Ever since you got here -- 6 months -- it feels like 6 years --

Theseus: I’ve done everything I’ve been asked ever since I got here - I’ve done more- !

Aegius: I know, that’s the problem -- you do too much !

Theseus: This goes against everything we stand for -- the Craft Guilds-- the Freemarkets--- everything we talked about in ...the Tablet...... you agreed --

Aegius: Oh yes, the “ Stone Tablet “....[looks up] .. “ the Lost Days” -- [gesture]

I told you there are no absolutes, Theseus--

Theseus: But there is direction -- --

Aegius: What do you mean direction ?– [cynical]

Theseus: The Value of the Individual – the closer you move toward that --everything else falls into place --

Aegius: “Falls into place” –

Theseus: [pointing out]   Crafts-- Specialization -- Trade -- Progress— all driven by opportunity -

Aegius: Yes, driven ---- [ exasperated ]


Theseus: [louder] ...  Days of Balance -- you agreed --

Aegius: Balance --- hah !

Theseus: That was the Goal --You agreed when I came here--

Aegius:[peaking] Yes I Agreed ..... I agreed -- And I only agreed for you!

Theseus : [quieter] .... For me ?


[ Aegius  change in tone here -- now regretful, apologetic- but grizzled ]


Aegius: Because this ... ‘ theory’ meant so much -- to You -- Something you must have latched onto from - the Temple -- your Mother-- up North  --Somewhere !--- after we ..well, after we had to send you away –

But I told you I had no choice -- There was a war on -- Threats were made --

We had to be sure you were safe -- [ lower ] ...  in case we lost  


[ tone change -- more fatherly-—Theseus uncomfortable, hand to chin ]

......I know, at the Citadel -- -- you were too young for that place –

….taken from your Mother --must have seemed an ‘empty place’...

Theseus: [ back turned, not wanting to hear this] That’s all in the past --

Aegius: Only half the age of your class-mates -- and all of them Nobles -- while, you didn’t even know who you really --

Theseus: That’s all in the past --

Aegius: Maybe you felt “inferior” all that time - maybe that’s why this obsession with this --

Theseus: (turning around--cutting him off)  I said that’s all in the past!! --


Aegius: That’s the point, in the past - couldn’t be helped - You're here now -- and your strong . . . -- and the best young commander that ever came out of that school, or Mycen-ea -----------[ almost puts hand on shoulder, but walks away ]

But you've got to see things the way they are -- We’ve got to hold onto

what we have -- ( tone changing -- hoping to "pass over" issue)

...... Now -- these Cretans -- all they really want, is order -- “progress”- [pointing] They won’t keep us from ruling on the Mainland here -- the fact is . . I’ve been thinking ...they might even help --

Theseus: (whispered, incredulous) What!?

Aegius: (already turned away) And this tax - No one’ll remember in a year or two -

[almost conspiratorial) After all it's only six .....athletes – just 6 .....“people”--


Theseus: (slowly) . . . Only six... “ people ” . . just another . . . Compromise --

(conclusive now) I'm telling you I can't agree with this --

Aegius: Oh, uh -- can't agree -- is that what I am then-- the, uh, compromiser ??

Theseus: I didn’t say that --

Aegius: Saying you would oppose me publicly on this? [ pacing more ]

Theseus: I didn't say that either. . . just that we've got to find another way --

Aegius: [patience gone now] Well there is no other Way !!-- We lose 6 now -- or

6,000 in a war -- That's the choice -- That's what a King has to do! And if you

can’t to do it you better tell me right now! Because -- I am not gambling

everything on some half-baked theory from the past -- I'm not going to do it!

Theseus: (tight, controlled)   So what are you saying?

Aegius: I’m saying, there's two roads here, Theseus -- And only one of them is real --And you better decide which one you're on!

Do you understand, Theseus? [ no answer ]..... Theseus?! ....

....That’s my final word. -- Two roads! (Door Slam -- Exit)


Soliloquy: [Theseus in stoic silence after door slam: Lights go down- spotlight on ]


Theseus: Yes, Father . . . Two Roads -- there is a time to choose -- what you think is real -- which way to go and -- what kind of world you would wish for .. [heart/mind/soul gesture --]

[ points at door-- stubborn].....There IS a time.....of Balance...Somewhere ….


[ low shimmering cymbal as opening notes of song begins ]


Theseus : And there is always, a time .. to remember......

...... to remember............ [ goes to one knee, then rises slowly ]



Setting & Choreo Notes :

The altar with lit candles and the huge round ‘Shield of Athens’—

a white horse on a field of blue – clearly visible above and behind Theseus.

Movement Notes : First section : He sings introspectively, not to the audience – though he may look out that way – uses subtle vertical or ‘tai-chi ‘ gestures :

touches temple, looks at hands, crosses arms at ‘colder now’ lyric. When instrumental starts, ‘evening breeze’ sweeps in – he glances behind him -- concerned – audience sees candles sputter out on altar. Theseus goes back to altar quickly and to re-lite candles -- he kneels as they sputter again, but he raises hands – and they go back on.

As instrumental ends, he turns back dramatically to audience to continue lyric. Similar  gestures in this section ending to rest on one knee – then head

down as lites fade.